Helping you find FREEDOM
to live again

At Springs Church Debt Advice we offer face to face advice on debt and household budgeting. We are Part of the Community Money Advice family which is a free, Christian run service with over 170 centres across the UK and all our advisers are trained to a national standard. It doesn’t matter how long your journey to financial freedom takes, we will be there for you from that initial appointment right until the day you are debt free if that is what you need.
We can help you with:
Looking at your household income and expenditure and help you identify priorities for your available finances and help you budget for them.
We can offer a range of insolvency options such as Debt Management Plans – which help you make positive steps to gaining control of your debts, Debt relief orders and Individual Voluntary Arrangements which are more formal insolvency options.
We can also help you build relationships with your creditors where your account may have fallen out control so that you can regain that control or if some are a bit tricky we can negotiate on your behalf.
Checking that you are maximising your income to its fullest by offering to help you explore benefit entitlement is also something we can help with.
This year we also aim to offer The Money Course which will be an online video call based course with a group of like minded people who are all looking for ways to improve their budgeting, maximise their income and minimise their expenditure.
This is a great course for anyone even if you have no debts!
All of our debt advice appointments are by arrangement so if you would like to speak with a debt adviser please email or fill in the google form here.